(Fallopia x bohemicum or F. x bohemica or Polygonum x bohemicum)
Quick ID:
Grows to heights of 6-10 feet
Stems are smooth, bamboo-like and stout
Stems are hollow, but may be water-filled depending upon soil moisture and time of year
Found in parks, gravel bars, along riverbeds, stream banks, rights-of way, and roadsides. It is also found in riparian areas and will move up watersheds.
How It Got Here:
Originated from Asia and spread west for the last few hundred years (primarily by fragmentation)
10mm of plant can re-grow to maturity.
Knotweed can propagate easily by fragmentation
Reasons for Concern:
Can invade and thrive in a variety of habitats with no natural predators or control mechanisms.
Itadori and Giant Knotweed have evolved into the Bohemian variety found in North America.
Canes can sprout through 6 inches of concrete or asphalt and will damage roads & foundations to the extent they need to be replaced.
Inject Large Canes btwn 1-2 Node
Spray Small Plants
Original USA JK1000 Injection Tool – SINGLE TOOL
Includes: 1 Tool, 1 Canister, 1 Hardened Needle, 1 Measuring Vial, a 9/64 Allen Wrench, Instructions, Warranty and Care information.